Factsheet 4

Identifying Areas of Under-Representation of Designated Groups in Your Workforce


The purpose of the workforce analysis is to identify areas of under-representation of designated group members in your workforce. This is done by comparing the number of women, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities and members of racialized groups* in the occupational groups in your workforce with estimates that reflect the qualified and available workforce. In order to prepare estimates that identify the qualified and available workforce, the Employment Equity Act requires organizations to take into account occupational qualifications and reasonable geographic recruitment areas.

The workforce analysis can be produced using the workforce analysis module found within the Workplace Equity Information Management System (WEIMS) software provided by ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada). WEIMS provides a fast and easy way for organizations to generate an accurate workforce analysis. For comprehensive information, please click on the following link: Employment Equity Tasks.

Occupational Qualifications

The availability data which pertains to occupational qualifications can be found in the 2016 Employment Equity Data Report of ESDC. Data is available for each NOC (National Occupational Group) Unit Group in the Canadian workforce. The availability data should be used for those jobs requiring specific degrees, diplomas or licenses. The occupational groups where these jobs are usually found are Professionals, Semi-Professionals & Technicians, Supervisors: Skilled Crafts & Trades, Skilled Sales & Service Personnel, and Skilled Crafts & Trades Workers.

Data is also provided at the employment equity occupational group (EEOG) level. These should normally be used for all other occupational groups, since the jobs they contain usually require broad skills, many of which are learned on the job. This is a reasonable approach because the EEOG estimate includes jobs of a similar nature with skills that are often transferable.

WEIMS was programmed to compare internal representation data to external availability data automatically by specific occupational levels (either EEOGs or NOC unit groups) and geographical locations related to recruitment. These settings are defaulted but can be changed with an acceptable written explanation.

Occupational Group Occupational Level
Senior Managers EEOG
Middle & Other Managers EEOG
Professionals NOC Unit Group
Semi-Professionals & Technicians NOC Unit Group
Supervisors EEOG
Supervisors, Skilled Crafts & Trades NOC Unit Group
Administrative & Senior Clerical EEOG
Skilled Crafts & Trades Workers NOC Unit Group
Skilled Sales & Service Personnel NOC Unit Group
Clerical Personnel EEOG
Intermediate Sales & Service Personnel EEOG
Semi-Skilled Manual Workers EEOG or NOC Unit Group
Other Sales & Service Personnel EEOG
Other Manual Workers EEOG

Geographic Recruitment Area

The Act requires organizations to base availability estimates on data for the geographic area where the organization may reasonably be expected to recruit for each of the employment equity occupational groups (EEOGs) in its workforce. In large workforces, Senior Managers, Middle & Other Managers and Professionals are often recruited nationally, in order to ensure a sufficiently large pool of qualified candidates. Some groups such as Semi-Professionals & Technicians or Skilled Crafts & Trades Workers may be recruited provincially, while other groups such as Clerical Personnel or Semi-Skilled Manual Workers may be recruited at the city (Census Metropolitan Area or CMA) level. It should be stressed that the description above provides general principles only, and that the specific circumstances of each organization must always be taken into account. For example, an organization with a small workforce located entirely in Toronto may recruit all positions in the Toronto CMA given the large number of candidates available. For persons with disabilities, national data at the EEOG level should normally be used. This is due to the fact that the small sample size of the Canadian Survey on Disability often results in suppression or unreliable data at the regional and NOC Unit Group levels.

Table 2: Availability data that takes into account reasonable occupational qualifications and geographic recruitment areas

Occupational Group Occupational Level Geographical Level by Designated Group
Senior Managers EEOG National
Middle & Other Managers EEOG National
Professionals NOC Unit Group National
Semi-Professionals & Technicians NOC Unit Group Provincial
Supervisors EEOG CMA
Supervisors, Skilled Crafts & Trades NOC Unit Group Provincial
Administrative & Senior Clerical EEOG CMA
Skilled Crafts & Trades Workers NOC Unit Group Provincial
Skilled Sales & Service Personnel NOC Unit Group Provincial
Clerical Personnel EEOG CMA
Intermediate Sales & Service Personnel EEOG CMA
Semi-Skilled Manual Workers EEOG or NOC Unit Group CMA
Other Sales & Service Personnel EEOG CMA
Other Manual Workers EEOG CMA
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