Employment Equity Forward Plan Fiscal Years 2021/22 – 2023/24

Table of contents

This document sets out the Canadian Human Rights Commission's (the Commission) three-year forward plan for employment equity (FY2021/22 to FY 2023/24). The plan will guide the Commission's work with federally-regulated employers to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Employment Equity Act.

The Employment Equity Act

The purpose of the Employment Equity Act (the Act) is to achieve equality in the workplace so that no person shall be denied employment opportunities or benefits for reasons unrelated to ability. The Act seeks to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment experienced by women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous people and racialized people Footnote 1 by giving effect to the principle that employment equity means more than treating people in the same way, but also requires special measures and the accommodation of differences.

There are nine legislative requirements under the Act:

  1. Collection of workforce information
  2. Workforce analysis
  3. Review of employment systems, policies and practices
  4. Employment equity plan
  5. Implementation and monitoring of employment equity plan
  6. Periodic review and revision of employment equity plan
  7. Information about employment equity
  8. Consultation and collaboration
  9. Employment equity records

Over the next three years, the Commission will conduct three types of audits: (1) employer-specific audits, (2) blitz audits, and (3) horizontal audits.

Employer-Specific Audits

Employer-specific audits focus on one employer and look at whether or not that employer is meeting the requirements of the Act. The Commission sends notification letters to selected employers indicating that they are being audited. Employers will then receive an audit questionnaire and are required to send their responses, the related evidence, and their most recent workforce analysis to the Commission. The Commission will then analyze the evidence, setup interviews with employees from different levels of the organization and conduct on-site visits, where possible or necessary. If employers do not meet all the requirements of the Act, the Commission requires employers to sign an undertaking agreeing to put in place remedial actions within a specific deadline. Employers must then provide the Commission with proof of completion of the undertaking for evaluation. During this monitoring phase, the Commission will also validate employers’ employment equity goal setting as part of their employment equity plan.

Once validation is complete and employers have provided evidence of meeting all nine requirements of the Act, the Commission will send employers a letter confirming that the audit is closed.

Pilot Blitz Audit

The Commission will soon pilot a new type of audit, which will focus on two of the nine requirements of the Act: collection of workforce information; and, workforce analysis. The Blitz Audit pilot project will focus on private sector employers with less than 300 employees. Employers will be required to submit their most recent workforce analysis and self-identification survey. Based on these submissions, the Commission will analyze the representation gaps based on labour market availability. Depending on the representation gaps identified, the Commission will develop action items for the employer to implement. Action items could range from launching a new self-identification survey to a full audit of the employer’s employment equity program.

Horizontal or Issue-based Audits

In 2018, the Commission modernized the way it supports employers by introducing a horizontal audit model. This model focuses on systemic issues faced by designated group members in a specific sector. Each horizontal audit seeks to better understand the situation and experiences of women across designated groups, and includes a diversity and leadership lens to promote a higher representation of designated group members in management.

More specifically, horizontal audits aim to:

  • address persistent representation gaps for a designated group in particular sectors;
  • ensure employers have adequate plans to correct under-representation;
  • identify specific barriers that impede progress;
  • gather best practices that increase representation and help retain employees; and
  • allow for the sharing of best practices with all federally-regulated employers through the publication of sector-wide reports.

A horizontal audit has two stages. In stage one, the Commission sends a survey to all employers in a sector. Survey results are then used to randomly select a specific number of employers to participate in the second stage of the audit, which consists of a full compliance audit of their employment equity program. The employers selected for stage two will be required to provide information and documentary evidence related to lines of inquiry, which are linked to each of the nine requirement of the Act. Interviews are then conducted with employees from different levels of the organization, to validate the Commission’s initial findings. On-site visits may also occur during that process.

The Commission then prepares a confidential audit report for each employer who participated in the second stage of the audit. The report provides a summary of findings related to the audit and, in necessary cases, a Management Action Plan (MAP), which includes a mandatory list of items that require remedial action. Once the MAP is complete and employers provide evidence of meeting all remedial actions, the Commission will send employers a letter confirming the audit is closed.

At the completion of a horizontal audit, the Commission publishes an anonymized sector-wide report that includes an analysis of the Employment Equity Survey results as well as a summary of barriers and good practices uncovered during the audit.

In 2018/19, the Commission piloted its first horizontal audit looking at the employment of Indigenous people in the banking and financial sector. In 2019/20, the Commission launched its second horizontal audit looking at the employment of persons with disabilities in the communication sector. In 2020/21, the Commission launched its first horizontal audit in the public sector looking at the employment of racialized people in management and executive positions.

The Commission always strives to work collaboratively with employers in each of its audit processes to achieve the ultimate goal of employment equity i.e.: to promote fairness; realize the benefits of diversity; and, promote better representation. The Commission can however, apply enforcement measures if it is of the opinion that an employer is not complying with the requirements Act Footnote 2 .

Schedule of Audits – FY 2021/22 to FY 2023/24

This plan sets out the audits the Commission intends to undertake from FY 2021/22 to FY 2023/24. The Commission used a rigorous methodology to select the employers to be audited. The selection process included many variables, such as: overall representation gaps; 10-year persistent gaps; barriers uncovered during previous audits; previous audit results, etc.

Note: Not every employer listed in the tables below will necessarily be audited during FY 2021/22 to FY 2023/24. Moreover, the Commission may decide to audit employers not listed below.

Employer-Specific Audits – Private Sector

Employers LEEP Number Start Date
4012 2021-2022
9171 2021-2022
10000150 2021-2022
10000582 2021-2022
10000632 2021-2022
10000631 2021-2022
9202 2021-2022
9155 2021-2022
9108 2021-2022
5011 2021-2022
9147 2021-2022
4321 2021-2022
9137 2021-2022
5527 2021-2022
8391 2021-2022
2040 2021-2022
10000616 2021-2022
7260 2021-2022
7268 2021-2022
4280 2021-2022
4021 2022-2023
10000760 2022-2023
4079 2022-2023
4481 2022-2023
4315 2022-2023
4208 2022-2023
4117 2022-2023
10000742 2022-2023
4101 2022-2023
5523 2022-2023
4337 2022-2023
10000542 2022-2023
4475 2022-2023
10000677 2022-2023
4052 2022-2023
10000558 2022-2023
10000623 2022-2023
10000802 2022-2023
4571 2022-2023
10000230 2022-2023
4199 2022-2023
9189 2022-2023
5041 2022-2023
5929 2023-2024
4456 2023-2024
4202 2023-2024
5664 2023-2024
4219 2023-2024
5781 2023-2024
10000798 2023-2024
10000835 2023-2024
10000788 2023-2024
5540 2023-2024
10000840 2023-2024
10000738 2023-2024
4145 2023-2024
4508 2023-2024
10000764 2023-2024
5566 2023-2024
1022 2023-2024
4468 2023-2024
2020 2023-2024
6054 2023-2024
5777 2023-2024
2001 2023-2024

Employer-Specific Audits – Public Sector

Department and Agency Date
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 2021-2022
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada 2021-2022
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 2021-2022
Royal Canadian Mounted Police – Regular Members (Police Officers),
Civilian Members and Public Service Employees
Privy Council Office 2021-2022
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 2021-2022
Canada Border Services Agency 2022-2023
Canadian Grain Commission 2022-2023
Canadian Heritage 2022-2023
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 2022-2023
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 2022-2023
Correctional Service Canada 2022-2023
Employment and Social Development Canada 2023-2024
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 2023-2024
Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2023-2024
National Film Board 2023-2024
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 2023-2024
Office of the Governor General's Secretary 2023-2024
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 2023-2024
Parks Canada 2023-2024

Horizontal Audit

Topic Sector Date
Racialized people in the ground transportation Transportation 2022-2023
Women who work in management position in the air transportation Transportation 2023-2024

Blitz audit

Employers LEEP Number Start Date
33 2021-2022
36 2021-2022
41 2021-2022
1037 2021-2022
1049 2021-2022
1068 2021-2022
1215 2021-2022
2042 2021-2022
3001 2021-2022
3005 2021-2022
4013 2021-2022
4014 2021-2022
4086 2021-2022
4088 2021-2022
4103 2021-2022
4127 2021-2022
4150 2021-2022
4161 2021-2022
4182 2021-2022
4217 2021-2022
4242 2021-2022
4311 2021-2022
4328 2021-2022
4329 2021-2022
4338 2021-2022
4462 2021-2022
4476 2021-2022
4487 2021-2022
4501 2021-2022
4506 2021-2022
4507 2021-2022
4512 2021-2022
4537 2021-2022
4556 2021-2022
4558 2021-2022
4566 2021-2022
4601 2021-2022
4611 2021-2022
4619 2021-2022
4625 2021-2022
4635 2021-2022
4636 2021-2022
4646 2021-2022
4657 2021-2022
4658 2021-2022
4662 2021-2022
5004 2021-2022
5013 2021-2022
5024 2021-2022
5062 2021-2022
5089 2021-2022
5127 2021-2022
5165 2021-2022
5186 2021-2022
5319 2021-2022
5322 2021-2022
5386 2021-2022
5388 2021-2022
5389 2021-2022
5396 2021-2022
5430 2021-2022
5431 2021-2022
5432 2021-2022
5449 2021-2022
5474 2021-2022
5476 2021-2022
5487 2021-2022
5500 2021-2022
5511 2021-2022
5517 2021-2022
5519 2021-2022
5520 2021-2022
5522 2021-2022
5524 2021-2022
5531 2021-2022
5535 2021-2022
5537 2021-2022
5538 2021-2022
5549 2021-2022
5554 2021-2022
5559 2021-2022
5560 2021-2022
5571 2021-2022
5572 2021-2022
5587 2021-2022
5596 2021-2022
5600 2021-2022
5611 2021-2022
5620 2021-2022
5651 2021-2022
5662 2021-2022
5665 2021-2022
5668 2021-2022
5716 2021-2022
5742 2021-2022
5750 2021-2022
5751 2021-2022
5754 2021-2022
5755 2021-2022
5766 2021-2022
5769 2021-2022
5774 2021-2022
5778 2021-2022
5849 2021-2022
5853 2021-2022
5860 2021-2022
5868 2021-2022
5869 2021-2022
5872 2021-2022
5873 2021-2022
5879 2021-2022
5880 2021-2022
5881 2021-2022
5887 2021-2022
5892 2021-2022
5901 2021-2022
5903 2021-2022
5909 2021-2022
5914 2021-2022
5918 2021-2022
5922 2021-2022
5926 2021-2022
5927 2021-2022
5928 2021-2022
6001 2021-2022
6027 2021-2022
6037 2021-2022
6064 2021-2022
6074 2021-2022
6098 2021-2022
6101 2021-2022
6107 2021-2022
7023 2021-2022
7024 2021-2022
7050 2021-2022
7100 2021-2022
7247 2021-2022
7251 2021-2022
7261 2021-2022
7264 2021-2022
7266 2021-2022
7271 2021-2022
8004 2021-2022
8007 2021-2022
8015 2021-2022
8082 2021-2022
8103 2021-2022
8104 2021-2022
8137 2021-2022
8266 2021-2022
8268 2021-2022
8274 2021-2022
8285 2021-2022
8323 2021-2022
8396 2021-2022
8401 2021-2022
8403 2021-2022
8404 2021-2022
8505 2021-2022
8506 2021-2022
8507 2021-2022
8508 2021-2022
9002 2021-2022
9031 2021-2022
9070 2021-2022
9102 2021-2022
9120 2021-2022
9140 2021-2022
9175 2021-2022
9176 2021-2022
9200 2021-2022
9208 2021-2022
9216 2021-2022
9218 2021-2022
9219 2021-2022
9220 2021-2022
9223 2021-2022
9244 2021-2022
9245 2021-2022
9246 2021-2022
9250 2021-2022
9251 2021-2022
10000288 2021-2022
10000351 2021-2022
10000390 2021-2022
10000413 2021-2022
10000432 2021-2022
10000457 2021-2022
10000539 2021-2022
10000540 2021-2022
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10000569 2021-2022
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